
19 February 2015

EasyWalker for C4d

Going Open Source: Customize the EasyWalker and learn from it

In 2011 we released the XPresso tool EasyWalker for C4d. We don't want this tool to sink into oblivion because we think it is still an easy tool and you get faster access and results than the c-motion tool inside c4d.

So we decided to make it Open Source and removed all the password protection on XPresso groups. So you can look inside all the XPresso nodes, customize them or learn from it.

Here is the download Link: EasyWalker for C4d Open Source

We hope you like it and have fun with this creative tool.

  • Adrian Mann

    20 Feb 2015 - 17:45:35

    Even more awesome than the screw generator! Maybe now I’ll be able to get my astronauts to actually walk on the Moon!


    21 Feb 2015 - 17:42:27

    Awesome, thanx for sharing!


    25 Feb 2015 - 16:23:13

    Thanks a lot guys, this is great!


    14 Mar 2015 - 18:04:57

    Great, great work guys. Thank so much to share this useful tool.


    27 Apr 2015 - 05:57:27

    So good! Awesome!!!!

    Thanks for Sharing!!!


    27 May 2015 - 23:17:31

    Thank you for this tremendous & easy solution; hope it continues to be developed.


    08 Jun 2015 - 19:53:53

    So I don’t have the character tab in broadcast. Does that mean I can’t use this? It imports but I don’t know where to bind like your readme pdf says. Thanks!


    09 Jun 2015 - 11:08:27

    Without the character tools it won’t work. Sorry.

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